An Arab Spring celebration: lunch on Sunday, 22nd January

Shepard Fairey’s latest art print

Just over a year ago, a young Tunisian man set himself on fire in a desperate protest against police brutality, a life of poverty and injustice. Never in our wildest imagination could we have imagined that this one tragic event would trigger a revolutionary tsunami through the Arab world, causing her people to rise and topple some of the most entrenched dictators in living memory. We have seen the backs of Ben Ali in Tunisia, Mubarak in Egypt and Ghaddafi in Libya. Yemen and Syria may be next. All in one short year.

To commemorate the first anniversary of the Arab Spring – khana commune London will bring to you some of the most wonderful traits of the Arab people – warmth, hospitality and mouth-watering cuisine, at a special lunch on Sunday, 22nd January 2012 at 1.30 pm. Sundays are lovely in East London – a great opportunity to explore Columbia Road Flower Market, Spitalfields Market and the old Truman Brewery Area near Brick Lane before joining us for lunch. Please email me if you want a suggested itinerary.

Zina, founder of khana commune Singapore will be in town, and we will be joined by guest chef Layla El-Wafi, an American-British-Londoner who traces her roots to both Libya (her late father) and Egypt (her mum). This has been a most remarkable year for her and her family.

On 22nd Jan, we will cook up a five course meal featuring favourites from Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria.

to start
karkade (chilled hibiscus drink from Cairo) and the scent of arabic bukhoor
shurbah leebeeyah (libyan lamb, tomato and “bird’s tongue” pasta soup)
or egyptian lentil soup (v)

egyptian koushury (v)
yemeni mandi (roasted lamb and chicken on saffron rice)
with traditional tomato herb chutney
tunisian cous cous topped with harissa fish and a harissa vegetarian stirfry

to sweeten
syrian semolina cake (v)
bahraini dates (v)

yemeni kishr and north african mint tea

About khanacommuneldn

London's first Bengali supper club
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